motivational quotes
motivational quotes
Strong Push Words to Light Up Your Path
Life throws hard times at us, but the right words when we need them can lift us up and push us to do well. Here are some strong push words to keep you high in hope and keep moving.
1. Words on Doing Well & Hard Work

“Doing well not end yet, fail not end all: it is the want to keep going that is key.” – Winston Churchill
“The one spot where doing well is seen before work is just in the word book.” – Vidal Sassoon
“Don’t just look at the time; do as it does. Keep on.” – Sam Levenson
“To start, stop talking and start doing.” – Walt Disney
“You make your own chances.” – Chris Grosser
“Do your best with what you got, right where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“Work hard quietly, let your win make the noise.” – Frank Ocean
2. Tips on Beating Hard Times
“Our top win is not just in not failing, but in getting up each time we do.” – Confucius
“Failure is just a chance to start over, but smarter.” – Henry Ford
“It’s okay to move slow, just keep going.” – Confucius
“You might face many losses, but you should not feel lost.” – Maya Angelou
“Power doesn’t come from what you can do. It grows when you beat what you once thought you couldn’t.” – Rikki Rogers
“Hard times don’t stay, but strong folks do.” – Robert H. Schuller
3. Words on Trusting Yourself & Growing

“Think you can and you’re half there.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“You are never too old to start a new aim or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
“Live as if your acts change the world. They do.” – William James
“Your time here is short, so don’t spend it on another’s path.” – Steve Jobs
“The only thing that can stop our dreams for tomorrow is our own fear today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
“What’s behind us and what’s ahead of us are small things next to what’s inside us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
4. Quotes on Keeping On & Not Giving Up

“I am not made by my past. I am made by my choices.” – Stephen R. Covey
“If you find yourself in a very bad place, keep moving.” – Winston Churchill
“Hard times in life aim to make us strong, not sour.” – Dan Reeves
“A winner is just someone who didn’t give up yet.” – George M. Moore Jr.
“Don’t feel bad about messing up, learn from it and start over.” – Richard Branson
“Face the sun, and the dark will stay behind you.” – Walt Whitman
5. Thoughts on Being Up and Our Own Minds
“Joy is made by us.” – Aristotle
“With the right mind, we can’t fail—we either use what we know, or we learn what we must use.” – Nour
“How we act is a small thing that means a lot.” – Winston Churchill
“Hope is the trust that makes us win. We can’t do a thing if we don’t hope and trust.” – Helen Keller
“Be so full of joy that when others see you, they get happy too.” – Unknown
“Just keep your eyes up… that’s the key to life.” – Charlie Brown
6. Words on Being Brave & Taking Chances
“Life gets big or small, all based on how brave you are.” – Anais Nin
“In every hard time, there is a chance.” – Albert Einstein
“If you don’t try, you will miss all shots.” – Wayne Gretzky
“Walk sure to your dreams. Live the life you think of.” – Henry David Thoreau
“Jump, and you’ll find a net.” – John Burroughs
“Fear breaks more dreams than trying and not winning.” – Suzy Kassem
” The End “

No link to where you stand now, the right way of seeing things and will to go on can shift it all. Keep your trust in you, stay on track, and don’t let hard times shape you. Let these words be a sign that you have big things in you—keep moving up!